Präsenz-Workshop „Design Thinking Process“

28. September, 9 am - 5 pm


28. September, 9 am - 5 pm

09:00 Uhr


[frei]Raum | Pfaffenwaldring 45 | 70569 Stuttgart (The travel expenses for your trip to Stuttgart can be refunded!)





How much of an innovator is in you? Explore the DesignThinking techniques in small teams with the help of coaches and creativity-inducing prototyping material. Design thinking is a systematic approach to solving complex problems from all areas of life. In contrast to many other approaches in science and practice, which approach a task focusing on technical feasibility, design thinking puts user wishes and needs as well as user-oriented invention at the center of the process. Based on practical examples, you learn how to empathize with users, as well as brainstorm and assess ideas to prepare for the rapid prototyping finale.

The workshop is organised in cooperation with Young Entrepreneurs in Science and the Academic Staff Development (ASD) at the University of Konstanz. Young Entrepreneurs in Science is an interactive workshop programme for PhDs and postdocs to help you ignite your entrepreneurial spirit! Together with your peers, you will learn methods and skills to realise your innovative potential.

The workshop is the perfect opportunity for you to strengthen your entrepreneurial skills and to explore the innovative potential of your research. Since the workshop is an invitation to experiment, no previous experience is necessary.

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